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Sunday, 1 April 2012


The boabab tree is called the upside down tree by the Khoi.

The colour of the trunk varies during the day as the sun climbs or sets.

Uses of the Baobab
- Besides making into soup, baobab leaves can be eaten like spinach
- Dried for use as a condiment.
- Natives eat the pulp for porridge
- Inside the seed pods, a white pulp, when mixed with water, makes the most refreshing drink
- Farmers mixed this pulp with water to treat Malaria.
- The seeds are also roasted and eaten like groundnuts and pounded they can be made into a sort of peanut butter.
- The bark may be pounded and soaked and made into rope, fishing nets or clothes.


  1. I absolutely love this!!! And the facts you've shared is really interesting!

  2. Thank you so much Susan. I appreciate your comments!
